Our Rules and Values:
It is essential that we strive to create security and trust in this space in order to establish a safe and friendly environment.
Dear users are required to adhere to the following points:
Respect and Integrity: In interactions with other users, we should always act with respect, honesty, and transparency.
Security and Privacy: Personal information of users is confidential, and we must take care to protect each other’s security and privacy. The security and privacy of women in this application are pursued with high sensitivity. Users are expected to refrain from sharing their sensitive and private information in this application. Sharing information about other users is strictly prohibited and constitutes a crime according to cybercrime laws.
Prohibition of Inappropriate Content: The publication of any illegal, immoral, or threatening content in this application is prohibited and is considered a crime under cybercrime laws.
No Advertising: Sending any annoying advertisements in this application is not allowed. Buying or selling products or services, or engaging in recruitment or promotional activities within this program is prohibited.
Prohibition of Selling, Reproducing, or Modifying Content: Selling, reproducing, or altering the content and educational, cultural, or sports materials available in this program is strictly prohibited.
It is hoped that by adhering to the above rules and showing mutual respect and consideration for the rights of others, we can enjoy a happy virtual community together.